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Showing posts with label self control in children. Show all posts
Showing posts with label self control in children. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A Few Words About Self Control...

A parent asked me if the sessions were supportive of a child's development of a greater level of self control. New research shows that self control in young children is a strong predictor of future success. The parent education resources I use very much focus on helping support children's development of self control and a sense of self confidence. The more we share control and teach children that they are able to make decisions the more they think of themselves as able decision makers!
Good decision making depends heavily on our ability to be patient, persistent and to have easy access to our thinking brain. Last night we focused on honing our skills of acknowledging feelings. If we can help our children internalize this skill they will be much better prepared to manage their own feelings. When we are able managers of our own emotions it becomes possible to think under pressure. As you hazard in to the world of acknowledging feelings this week, know that you are fostering the development of a skill in your child that will directly increase his/her ability to find future success in life!
For more reading about the research I've mentioned here follow this link: Self Control and Success.